What Happened to the COTM?
Oct 23, 2017
Shortly after taking the step go go fully self-employed I began supporting and featuring a Charity-of-the-Month (COTM) which involved a donation and writing a blog post in an attempt to raise awareness.
You may have noticed that the COTM blog posts have dried up recently. The reason for this is that I’ve been helping a number of local and national charities with design and creative services.
It always feels good to help where possible and I’ve been fortunate to be in a position to donate my time and abilities to help organisations such as the WWT (Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust), Middlesbrough MAP, and numerous church charities in their efforts, and hopefully these opportunities will continue into the future.
So, don’t worry… I still help where I can, it’s just that the focus and approach has shifted :).