Website Agreement

So we'll be working together on a web-project, awesome!

Before we start I’d like to introduce you to some important stages within the project process. This will explain how we’ll work together and ensure everything goes smoothly.

A web project consists of 4 key stages (unless otherwise agreed).

01. Planning

During the planning stage Peter Hinton Design will create elements to enable you understand and visualise the final project; elements such as concept designs, site-maps, wireframes, and workflows. Once agreed they will be signed-off by the key stakeholders in the project to ensure we share a clear and common understanding from the onset.

02. Production

The production stage includes the design and development of the project, working to the plan agreed in stage one so there should be no surprises! We will retain flexibility throughout, but the more that can be agreed from the beginning the better.

03. Review Stage

The website is reviewed and a checklist of outstanding tasks is agreed. Any 'out-of-scope' requirements that have come to light during the first 3 stages are discussed. Of course any major new work identified at this stage may impact the timescale agreed at the onset of the project.

04. Release / Publish

Once the first 3 stages are complete and the sign-off is provided, the project is published.


The preferred method of contact is email. Other tools (including text messaging, Skype, Spark, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Facebook) can be used for general communications throughout the project if the client prefers. However, all documentation and invoices will be sent via email.


The preferred method of contact is email. Other communication tools (including phone/conference calls, text messaging, Skype, Cisco Spark, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, and Facebook) can be used for general communications throughout the project if the client prefers. However, all documentation and invoices will be sent via email.


Whilst flexibility is at the heart of the Peter Hinton Design, experience suggests that it will help the smooth and effective delivery of the project if we can agree a few key assumptions at the onset to ensure that we share a common understanding of the process:

  • i. Peter Hinton Design will provide two rounds of amendments per design (or set of designs) during the first stage. If all stakeholders were involved at the planning stage this should be more than enough. Of course, if necessary, a greater scope can be agreed at the onset.
  • ii. With each design (or set of designs) you will have the chance to provide feedback and suggest amendments. However, please ensure that every stakeholder who has a say in the project provides feedback at the same time. This helps avoid contradictory and confusing feedback based on range of personal preferences.
  • iii. Feedback at each 'amendment' stage should be sent to Peter Hinton Design as a single document (preferably email) by the key stakeholder. Feedback sent irregularly may be missed or unclear, and may need to be be treated as another round of amendments, potentially delaying the project and increasing costs.
  • iv. The content/copy of the project is the responsibility of the client. It is recommended that the content is finalised prior to the commencement of the production stage to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • v. If you need to go beyond the two rounds of amendments then each further round may be charged at an agreed cost, based on Peter Hinton Design's hourly rate.

All Agreed? Let's Begin

Simply complete the details and tick the box below to confirm that you are the key stakeholder, and that you agree with the outlined assumptions. Then we can begin :).

    Your Name

    Your Company

    Project Title

    Understood, I agree (ticked)